71. Why Are People Psychics & Mediums?


I’ve heard a lot of ideas as to why people are psychic and mediums. Particularly or really the only one being that it’s “genetic”.

While “genetics” are really just formulations of our energetic bodies, it theoretically makes sense but also simultaneously doesn’t? For example, no one in my family is a psychic or medium, or at least that they’ve claimed to be. And particularly no one in my extended family.

So if we dissect genetics as being our interpretation of our energetic bodies, it’s likely that there would be some “markers” of intuition, in some way shape or form. To our understanding, it would be like a “strand of DNA”. If our relatives had said strand of DNA, it’s likely that they would pass it on to their children who would therefore, be mediums. But why isn’t mediumship exclusively genetic? It’s not that everyone in said medium’s family is a medium, right?

While Id o feel there’s an energetic or “genetic” component, Id on’t think that it’s everything. What if it’s all of the “makings” of a medium.

Sometimes I think about both of my parents, neither of which have spiritual gifts. However there are “makings” of being a great medium. For example, my mom is incredibly empathic. To a degree I believe she can feel other peoples’ feelings. Or at least she has a strong level of sensitivity.

And my dad has a lot of intelligence, as well as is interested in spirituality as well as “the unknown”. 

But can an interest, inclination and a sensitivity breed a medium? Why not? It’s sort of like how you have all of the raw ingredients of a soup, but not the soup. The soup is what is ultimately created by all of these things. As we continue to have children and pass on our wisdom and information, it’s likely that through some form of energetic bonding and our DNA, we “create” something entirely new. Hopefully I’m sure, we feel it’s the best part of all of us.

I think there’s much to be unknown as to precisely why people are psychics and mediums. Perhaps they felt they wanted to incarnate into a family which was not conducive to their abilities. Maybe that’s all part of the learning. Or maybe the genetic component goes back so many years that the person isn’t even aware that it ever existed in the first place.

My personal belief is that it’s strongly tied to our own, individual past lives. This isn’t to say that we haven’t shared past lives with our family, and therefore this would be a factor. That’s definitely very possible. But I feel that doing this type of work is strongly and individual journey, with only family members being supporting parts. I feel, personally, that psychics and mediums are old souls. Or at least ones which have a very wide perception value and wisdom-keeping ability. Consider that I feel you need to learn so many things in past lives to share this learning with others. I think this is also why some people are “naturals” at things. They’ve learned it before… just not here.

Perhaps with some twist of fate through all of your past lives, your intention upon incarnation, as well as your “genetics”, people with spiritual gifts and abilities popped up here on earth. Considering it’s an incredibly rare instances for you to be here in the first place, consider how incredibly rare it is for you to have any type of gift or ability, spiritual or not. It’s practically… impossible.

I’ve had premonitions in which I’ve felt that people who channel are at a relatively evolved level of having several different lives, and this is “practice” for evolving even further. I think it has to do with not only the ability, but more in particular the responsibility as a whole. As I feel that channelers go through a very interesting amount of “tests”, whether that be through public adversity, or delivering information and the weight that it holds.

It’s not something which I think about often, unless it’s brought up to me. But perhaps looking more into it can be not only a surprise and delight, but potentially life-changing.


72. Does Lack Of Focus Crush Creativity?


70. Why We Often Look Like Our Partner From A Metaphysical POV