72. Does Lack Of Focus Crush Creativity?


So at this point it’s pretty clear that I talk a lot about loops.

While loops are not inherently negative, they ultimately can bring a lot of negativity. Reason being is because they are a pattern. It represents monotony and repetitiveness. We typically are reasonably OK living our lives, but often times have trouble getting outside of this box. This of course doesn’t apply for everyone, as people often times do live outside of this “box” but are struggling with their everyday needs. However, I think that ultimately everything is very inter-connected.

I was sort of zoning out the other day and I was watching this small video clip on loop. Staring at it actually brought me ultimately a lot of focus. Sort of like I was able to think and have creativity as a result of it. When there’s too much chaos happening in an environment and in a setting, it becomes really hard to focus.

I don’t think this is of course a new concept, as we are constantly distracted, but consider distraction even more. Are we ultimately distracting ourselves in different ways? How is this affecting our thought process and our focus? If we aren’t really able to have creativity with distractions, are we lacking in creativity?

As I look around my apartment, everything is still. Although there are some things which have more visual weight than others, and may be deemed “distracting”, for the most part it’s a very quiet and familiar scene, and I’m able to focus on my work and “create”. It’s almost like when we imprint our energy on different things, and those things have a “life” of their own (or simply are just different people, places and things), they take up all of this energetic “space”. We don’t really have a place besides being a watcher. But it’s hard to be a creator when we’re theoretically holding space for everything and anything else. This also brings up a good point of people who give out their energy or need to hold or maintain the space of others (I would say mothers are in this category) likely may be struggling from a loss of creativity. I find that in order to be creative, you really have to be self-sustaining, as you are responsible for taking in all of this information whether from a spiritual source, or from your own physical reality and environment.

So back to my “loop” example, there was something about it which was particularly comfortable and particularly familiar. Does this mean we should prioritizing having positive safe and comfortable loops, to guide us? Perhaps the intention is to have some loops which are ultimately positive. I know that last time I referenced brushing my teeth. Perhaps these loops are primarily driving some important physical aspects of our live. Things that we need to do day by day. But maybe we can break the loops when it comes to our mental and emotional states, even if that translates into something physical. Perhaps we can surrender ourselves to the universe. Perhaps we must be spontaneous with our planning, as this works in accordance with the future, rather than against it. Although we may have success for a period of time with a routine, it doesn’t mean that we will always. We only have control over ourselves, and not anything else. And in many ways we are at the mercy and the will fo others around us, even miles away. Or essentially, the other aspects of consciousness which are relatively ‘unseen”. However I do feel that the more “powerful” we are energetically, the more we can bend people to our will in general, which is just a consideration.

To wrap up, I would say balance your loops. Figure out what’s working and what’s not. What is truly bringing you richness and value into your life? What feels old and stagnant and is no longer serving you? While loops represent our physical reality (as our matrixed reality is one big loop), we can continue to create our own and make them work for us individually.


73. Challenging Client Characteristics (For Advice Purposes Only)


71. Why Are People Psychics & Mediums?