73. Challenging Client Characteristics (For Advice Purposes Only)


I’ve been incredibly lucky to have amazing clients. Literally all of them. Even the ones who were more “difficult”, primarily were so because they were uninformed or were working from a place of fear, particularly working with previous psychics. It’s hard to believe that I don’t run into more sensitive or even aggravated clients considering how sensitive the topics are that I share. I like to think that I deliver my information in a way which is digestable for the client, as I typically do it based on my intuition, however I never truly know how my information will be received at the end of the day. Here are some common challenges I work through with my clients. Intention fo this post isn’t to shame clients for making “mistakes”, as there really are none. Or prevent them from coming forward with the potential to make mistakes. It’s simply to share my experience to relate to other readers, as well as provide some insight into common breakdowns in communication.

  1. A silo’d perspective: It’s no surprise that we typically feel we already know the answers to some things in our life, but we’re looking for validation. To be honest, I feel like these are the best types of questions, prompts or clients in general. But there can sometimes be a dissonance when a client was already feeling a certain way and then receives new or contrasting information. It’s really important to go into psychic readings being as open as you possibly can. Not only does this openness allow you to be a better recipient for information, it also allows for easier access on the readers part.

  2. Deliberately vague questions: While I find that the majority of clients who come forward with deliberately vague questions are simply unaware of examples of questions or prompts which are appropriate for me. Although some readers do not like to receive any information, I always do due to the format of my readings. Unless it’s a “what you need to know right now” reading, I like to have as detailed of questions as possible, so that spirit guides can’t give me the run-around. Although some may think that psychics have unlimited access, it’s often times based on the recipient. So if the recipient is being deliberately challenging or unwilling to open up, the response is almost always mimicking this attitude. The energy is difficult on both sides (recipient and universal energy), so the reader often times gets stuck as the uncomfortable middle man. Generally, I don’t find that even skeptics want to disillusion readers. I often times find that it’s more so the recipient is uncomfortable with the topic or trying to test the abilities of the reader. Even as the most expert reader, I can guarantee that typically the reading doesn’t go well due to the dissonance and awkwardness. Many times people wonder if my attitude is unwarranted or inappropriate, but I’m simply mimicking the recipient’s energy. There’s only so much you can do as a deliverer of energy from and for a client to be so entirely different.

  3. Inability to live with ambiguity: It’s incredibly often that I deliver recipients the same-ish results. They seem to struggle with concepts and themes over and over again and want a precise answer. While of course recipients come to readers to eliminate some of this ambiguity, the truth is we live in a world of free will. It’s truly up to us what will happen. I find that my biggest strength is validating experiences and depicting the future using the past. But the future is also relatively unknown, as well. If we are told every single answer, we would have no intuition or quite frankly, reason for living. It’s our responsibility to move through life through trial and error. And have a will for this wanting and living. I find that recipients almost always want a precise answer, yet guides are often times unwilling to do so. Sometimes it ruins the surprise, and sometimes, they don’t even know. I think it’s a fine balance between information and unknown.

    As you may look at this list, these are not inherently negative things. However when we swing too far into these silo’d directions, we eliminate this much needed balance. Readings are a give and take between reader and recipients. Readers provide what they genuinely feel is right for the client to know, and all of it. And it’s the recipient’s job to accept that. It’s also the recipient’s job to ask clarifying questions when they don’t understand, and for readers to allow time and patience to work through these issues. After all, it’s likely that reader and recipient come from two very different perception values. I find that successful readings are a combination of both the reader and the recipient putting their most loving, best selves forward.


74. War From A Spiritual Perspective


72. Does Lack Of Focus Crush Creativity?