79. Is Love At First Sight Real?
It’s no secret that the concept of love at first sight is pretty pervasive. In fact, reality TV shows indirectly profit off of this concept (maybe vaguely, but still). There’s such an emphasis on love at first sight in TV and movies. But why? Is it just to make a cinematic masterpiece, or is there something to it?
From my own personal experience, although I haven’t had “love at first sight”, I’ve absolutely had “recognition at first sight”. I suppose as someone who reads photographs, this is particularly my niche.
I do truly believe that by looking at another person, it can spark something within ourselves. Particularly a sense of wholeness. But why, or how?
The first concept would be that our energetic bodies are strongly linked to our appearance. Our physical appearance tells a story about our personality, our character, as well as our soul’s journey. So subconsciously, we may be picking up on these cues. Particularly if we lived a past life with another person and our appearances remained relatively the same, it’s likely that this would trigger a latent memory from within us.
On the other hand, since we operate from a place of collective consciousness, it’s possible that this glance isn’t physical at all. It could simply be the energetic resonance that this person gives off. However since we happen to be looking at them, we conceptualize it as “love at first sight”.
Nevertheless, it’s absolutely possible that this recognition could illicit an extreme, particularly an extremely positive emotion.
But is it love? Who knows. If we so deeply love ourselves and we find someone who is a mirror reflection of us, then yes. While it can be challenging to filter our lust, obsession and love as separate concepts, I like to stand by the fact that anything is possible.
I reckon that we have a handful of soulmates in this lifetime. Some being friends, and even pets. Sometimes I look at them and I just “know”. But ironically, with some of my most valued soulmates, I had little to no recognition reaction. Perhaps there’s an importance with this reaction. What if we needed to strike up a conversation with this person? Or swipe right? If we didn’t have such an overt reaction, perhaps we wouldn’t give them the time of day. This “love at first sight” concept may be the universe’s way to ensure that we are guided in the right direction. Besides, who’s to say that “love at first sight” is just about people? It can be places and things, as well.