94. Are You A Better Channeler Overcoming Fear?
was pretty quickly struck by the idea that in order to be a “good” channeler, you must release any fear of knowing, or fear of information. While this is often times easier for others, or perhaps even the universe at large, it can be ever so challenging to do for yourself. I reckon this is why often times people are “blocked” by their own intuition in general. It’s kind of funny and ironic because theoretically… what’s the worst that can happen? You know what… will inevitably happen? Although it certainly defeats the surprise, it’s sort of funny to think that this would hypothetically change our state of mind or our outcome. For example, we all know that we’re going to die, but if we found out that we were going to die at a certain date, it suddenly effects us more. And say for example it’s around an “expected” time, why would it?
I find that there are a lot of challenges in regards to channeling, which aren’t fear related. Sometimes it’s a struggle to get clients to open up energetically. Sometimes their guides don’t want to “give” them the answer. On top of that, you’re working with sensitive topics and free will and divine timing. While intuition often times comes very easy to me, sometimes readings can be challenging to execute if there are blocked channels.
But is this all just an excuse? I don’t feel so, but I wonder if there are other “levels” I can get to by eliminating fear. But the main question is… what could this fear possibly be?
I wonder if this fear is fear of validation or fear of “results”. While I have certainly said some strange things and even been hypothetically “off” before, there’s always a pressure to give resonation to a client. On top of that, when you work for a livelihood or even reviews, there can be a small overcompensation of ensuring that something does resonate, or is relatable. While I would never simply tell a client something that they want to hear, I wonder if some information comes through so that they can truly resonate with it, and truly treasure it. Instead of information which may be a bit wild, and they may have to jump through hoops to understand.
When I was training to be a channeler, I was often told that my delivery was too “intense”. At that time in my life, I was under a lot of stress and pressure with my own intuition opening up. Yet I was simultaneously (despite being unapproachable), very correct. I think that over time, the more that I’ve seen. clients, I’ve had to soften my approach. While I don’t think this is necessarily a bad thing, I do wonder the risk that I would take if I went back.
Of course there’s a trickiness here with saying or someone understanding that I’m not telling the whole truth, or I’m telling people what they want to hear. I don’t thin it’s true, it’s more so an approach overall and in general. It’s being more approachable to the client, so that the information and the delivery is suitable for them at that moment in time. often times we want to be “blown away” with psychic readings, but truthfully, that’s not always what we need at a certain point and place in time. Often times guides push us to have hope and to “fill in the gaps” with what information we receive. It’s in order to push co-creation with the universe, and not to have clients dive into these as “fact” and eliminate their free will. Their active participation is what makes things a reality, not a dictation.
I think that it’s easy to have fear block with clients if there’s a lot riding on this interaction. And even easier to have blocks within your own self, as we are often times “afraid” to know the truth about ourselves, above all else. I’m not entirely sure how to resolve this, but I have a feeling it’s a combination of confidence, self-assuredness, control as well as faith and optimism.
I give a lot of credit to channelers. No one talks about doing this type of work being hard, difficult or a burden. It’s always seen as a demand or a right. Or that people should be completely happy with it, and okay with it. But when you dig deeply, it’s not only so much more than that, but it’s pervasive. It’s a part of all of our lives. And it’s a lot. Many people have to overcome fears for themselves, or perhaps even a family unit. But not many people have to overcome fears for the good of the entire collective here on earth, as well as the other side. And while it doesn’t necessarily bother me in particular, it still is a fact, to some degree. I think that knowing that being a better person doesn’t just affect me, but others, can actually be inspiring and motivating. And I hope to transmute any of these dissonances and fears in the future.
Know that if you are a channeler, you’re not alone. No matter how experienced you are, things can get harder. And things can be newer. And it’s hard when there’s no “rule” book. There’s a rule book for really anything you want to be in this world, except for this. There are experiences, but nothing has quite the evolutionary cycle or lawlessness like being a channeler. But it’s pretty cool, you know?